Adrienne Cacatian
Adrienne Cacatian
Wrath Over Pride
A call-out post to “radical” cis (het) men and their inadequacy in gender struggles [en]
I want to talk about gender issues in “progressive/radical/revolutionary spaces” before Pride Month ends because it’s so important. I need to call out cis (het) men[1] in radical/progressive spaces—especially the anarchist, Marxist, or generally progressive men that I see around or know.
Adrienne Cacatian
“Di ka naman tunay na aktibista”
Reflections on Philippine Leftist Exclusionism [en]
When I was an undergrad, I had to fight so many people to allow my voice and opinions to be heard. The central point of my struggle as a young activist then was to get formally organized activists to realize that speaking up is a form of action, too; that not being part of any organization or not being as physically and publicly active in political struggles as they were didn’t mean you weren’t one; that just because someone isn’t doing activism and radicalism the exact same way the established Left does, doesn’t mean they aren’t activists or radicals.